Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Stage Six: Comment on a colleague’s work #1

My classmate talks about how the abortion laws have become more stricter and how this is unfair for the women looking to have an abortion. First off I am aware that this is a sensitive topic that many people usually have contradicting opinions. Respecting my classmates point of view, I do not agree with her argument of these laws not being fair for women. I in the other hand do think its a good approach from the government that the abortion laws are getting stricter to the point that it may become more difficult for women to have an abortion. The argument that ‘its my body I can do what I want’ is not a strong one. If this were the case then people should be able to do all the drugs that they wish and suicide attempts should be permitted. This may sound grotesque but its the same thing when people try to defend abortion. I do agree that the discussion of abortion should be between the doctor and his patient but the reason that the government interferes in the first place is because there are still some moral and ethical questions floating around. The other reason that the government may want to interfere is that abortions have in the past caused some psychological problems in the future to the women that have had an abortion. My other times it maybe that some women are alone and and are not well informed about other options that can help them keep their baby and they instead see abortion as their only option. Of course there are those women that are well aware and they just see abortion as a easy to get rid or their ‘mistake.’ But I am aware that there maybe some situation in which there maybe a medical problem during a woman’s pregnancy, but that would be another case. There are many other alternatives that can prevent pregnancy and that should be helpful enough for women. Overall the laws for abortion should be getting stricter, its important for the careless women to learn that its not easy to just get rid of a ‘problem’ especially if its a living being. 

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